It can be difficult to know when (and how) to play the appropriate connector in daftar spadegaming slot site. If you neglect to consider important factors – such as stack size and opponent’s inclination – you are very likely to make a disastrous mistake with this hand.
When a preflop raiser has less than 60 big blinds in their stack, you should be less inclined to a connector that fits 3 bets, especially a low one like 65 or 76.
With deeper stacks, hands like this work well as a 3-bet bluff for three main reasons:
You make a lot of better preflop folds.
You have good post flop playing skills which will provide many profitable bluffing opportunities.
You will sometimes win really big pots when you hit two pairs, trips, straights and flush (implied odds).
You can probably imagine why bluffing 3 bets with the right connector is less effective against players who don’t like to fold. When there’s a slight chance your opponent will fold, you’re missing out on a huge incentive for 3-betting hands.
However there is also a much less obvious reason why the matched connector for 3 bets is a dangerous mistake vs Call.
These wobbly online poker players will 3-bet with more hands that dominate you – hands that other players will fold. We’re talking about hands like the A6, K7, and J8, which dominate your 65s and 87s. This will cause the occasional chill when you’re both on a trip or flush.
When thinking about which hand makes the best 4-bet bluff, there are three things you need to consider:
– Blocking effect
– Postflop play
– Implied opportunities
Of the three, the most important is the effect of blocking your hands. This is because the range involved in a 4 bet situation is very tight and being able to get some strong hands out of your opponent’s reach makes a significant difference.
Matched connectors actually have a negative blocking effect. They block hands from your opponent’s 3-bet/fold distance – such as A5 or A6 – and don’t block strong hands that will continue.
The matched connector does have solid playability and decent implied odds, but even this is run at a low stack-to-pot ratio in a 4-bet pot.
Let’s take, for example, a 6-max game where each player’s 100 big blinds are effective. Suppose the middle position is open for 2.5 big blinds, the cutoff is flat, and it’s up to us on the button with 6 5 .
Let’s see how much equity we have against these two ranges, then how much equity we should call profitably based on the pot odds. (I’ll get to that quickly, but you can learn how to do it here.)
Now, we are in a position with very playable cards, which means we will likely be overly aware of the equity of our hands, but we also have to factor in the threat of pressure at the back. The players at the back will also call a high percentage of the time, which lowers our hand equity.
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These are things that are impossible to calculate precisely, but it can be said that these two sets of factors at least almost cancel each other out. This leaves us with a shortfall of around 3-5% equity.
With all that said, over-calling can make sense as an exploitative adjustment if there is a weak player in the hand and you know that the player behind is unlikely to press.